Osmosis Supercharged Pools ⚡️ | Tutorial

12. July 2023

Introducing Osmosis Supercharged Pools – a brief tutorial

Fellow Cosmonauts and Osmosis liquidity providers,

we are thrilled to present a quick guide to handle the cutting-edge Osmosis DeFi tool known as Supercharged Pools! This remarkable feature is currently available on the Osmosis Testnet and will soon be implemented on the Mainnet with the v16 Magnesium upgrade, set to take effect at block 10517000 on July 13th, around 5 PM!

Discover Supercharged Pools

Supercharged Pools offer an ingenious method to minimize impermanent loss and maximize profits while contributing liquidity to Osmosis pools. This is achieved by concentrating your liquidity within a specific price range. Initially, the DAI/OSMO pool will be the first to experience supercharging on Mainnet, with additional pools following shortly. By offering the freedom to choose a certain price range to provide liquidity within, the Osmosis DEX introduces groundbreaking flexibility to choose more safe or risk-oriented approaches to liquidity pools.

Curious about the inner workings of supercharged pools? Gain an insight by exploring the new features on the testnet at https://testnet.osmosis.zone/.

Visiting the page for the first time will offer you to watch a short introduction to Supercharged Liquidity. Click Learn in 30s and see for yourself!

To engage with the testnet, it is necessary to connect your preferred wallet and grant permission by approving the integration with your Keplr (or any other wallet of your choice).

In order to explore the exciting new feature, you’ll require testnet tokens to experiment with. Make a visit to the Osmosis Testnet Faucet to acquire a supply of $OSMO tokens.

Access your Keplr Wallet and utilize the “Copy Address” button to obtain your Osmosis testnet address. Locate it by searching for Osmo and press Copy next to the testnet address.

Proceed to the Faucet, paste your copied address, and press “Request Tokens.” You will receive a notification confirming that the faucet has successfully provided testnet funds to your address.

Currently, the available pools for testing supercharged pools are limited to OSMO/ION and OSMO/JUNOX. Therefore, consider swapping half of your OSMO testnet tokens on the Swap page to either ION or JUNOX to try the innovative pool feature.

To find the newly introduced Supercharged Pools, click on the Discover button located above the Swap app. Then, navigate to Pool Types and select Concentrated Liquidity. Alternatively, you can directly access the Supercharged Pools by following this link: testnet.osmosis.zone/pools…

Upon selecting and accessing one of the four pools, you can replay the helpful explanation presented in the form of GIFs as seen previously (click “Learn in 30 seconds”). To initiate the process, simply click on “Create a position.”

Currently, you can only opt for manual strategies when selecting positions. However, in the near future, managed position options will also be made available.

Select either a passive, moderate, or aggressive strategy, or customize your positions according to your preferences. Proceed to add liquidity and approve the transaction.

Depending on the strategy chosen, you will be exposed to either the entire price range or a specific range, and rewards will be generated accordingly.


Passive strategy with full price range exposure


More aggressive strategy with narrowed price range and exposure

Remember to regularly check your pools to ensure they are still within the range for earning rewards, and collect your rewards by clicking the “Collect Rewards” button. Additionally consider superfluid-staking your pooled assets by clicking the “Go Superfluid” button.


We eagerly await the addition of further supercharged pools! Also we’d like to express our gratitude to you for the continuous support through delegations across the Cosmos Ecosystem. Find a list of all the networks we support on ccvalidators.com. Stay updated with our social media channels and feel free to reach out to us if you need any assistance. Your ✅CryptoCrew